Ignatian Prayer Retreat

This retreat, in the style of St. Ignatius of Loyola, will draw on his focus on Scripture as a source of prayer.  Participants will be given guidelines about various ways of prayer that Ignatius emphasized in his prayer practice known as the Spiritual Exercises, engaging the mind and heart, the senses, and the imagination. There will be gathering times over the weekend to offer structure and focus for personal prayer, and there will be ample time to engage in individual prayer in an atmosphere of communal silence. The thematic movement of the weekend will be to experience the love of God, the life and ministry of Jesus, and our own call to follow Jesus or to serve in his name. Periods of silence can be a profound opportunity to hear the still small voice of God personally touching each one of us and to rest in God’s presence. A communal setting can be a supportive environment to be open and receptive to the stirrings of the Spirit.  Journaling will be encouraged though not required. Other expressions of prayer such as drawing or physical movement may also be appealing to some. Ultimately, participants will be invited to be receptive to a characteristic Ignatian theme: finding God in all things.

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